Criminal Defense
We understand how intimidating the process can be and will fight for you every step of the way.
Whether you have been charged with reckless driving or first-degree murder, our attorneys can help. The criminal justice system in Virginia is not favorable to defendants, which is why it is imperative that you speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as you have been either questioned or charged with a crime. It is very important that you know and assert your constitutional rights!
Know your Rights!
When you are questioned by police or have been charged with a crime, you have the right to:
Remain silent
Never talk to police without first consulting a lawyer. Anything you say can and WILL be used against you. Many people believe that not speaking with police makes them appear guilty, that is simply not true. Exercising your right to remain silent can protect you. Speak with your lawyer, not the police. Let your lawyer do the talking.
Ask for an attorney
If police ever question you about a crime, you need to immediately ask for an attorney. Once you say, “I want an attorney,” all of the questions must stop.
Not be unreasonably searched or seized
The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution gives you the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. If a police officer unreasonably searches you, any evidence that is found may be excluded. An experienced criminal attorney can help get evidence that was found as a result of an unlawful search thrown out.
Get busted? You may not be in as much trouble as you think. Give us a call to schedule your consultation today.
Areas of Expertise
Drug Crimes
Domestic Violence
Violent Crimes
Sex Offenses
Probation Violations